Our Policies
Pacific Mining Parts also known collectively PMP Group (the “Company”) has a zero-tolerance approach towards Modern Slavery.
Modern Slavery refers to any situations where violence, threats, coercion or deception are used to exploit other people for personal or commercial benefits.
The Company recognises the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) and undertakes practices to adhere to this within the business and within its supply chain.
The Company will take meaningful action to ensure its conduct is aligned to the Act and will take reasonable steps to address any breaches of this Act within the business.
The Company will ensure that employees are protected against retaliation for reporting human rights violations.
This policy sets forth the minimum expected standards for all entities under the governance of the PMP Group, encompassing their employees, contractors, and stakeholders across all operational locations. In jurisdictions where applicable laws prevail, they supersede the PMP Group Policy.
The Company will conduct a thorough assessment of its supply chain to identify potential Modern Slavery risks. Regular monitoring and evaluation of our suppliers' will be conducted to assist with prevention measures to ensure that we do not indirectly contribute to modern slavery.
All Employees shall be treated with dignity and shall not be subjected to suffer any harassment, physical or mental punishment or other forms of abuse.
The Company promotes effective employee engagement throughout our operations and welcome open sincere feedback from employees on all matters of the company’s business interest.
The Company is committed to ensuring compliance with all employment law requirements with respect to those who are under the age of 18.
The business will endeavour to include the child’s parent or legal guardian with respect to any employment management processes. Pacific Mining Parts
The Company does not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, or bonded/involuntary prison labour.
Employees are free to leave at any time but are expected to provide reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment or industrial instrument.
All employees provide their services to the Company on an entirely voluntary basis, and no one shall be forced to remain in their employment against their will.
Mechanisms will be established for employees to report instances of forced labour without fear of reprisal. Regular inspections will be conducted to ensure compliance with the forced labour policy. The Company is committed to complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 in each jurisdiction it operates, where applicable laws prevail, they supersede the PMP group Policy.
The Company will monitor changes to the act and update its policies and procedures accordingly to ensure ongoing compliance.